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We’ll take care of your household chores

You’ve had a long day at work and just want to put your feet up and relax or spend the rest of the day with your family and friends. But your chores await: you really need to clean the bathroom, vacuum the living room or wipe the kitchen floor. Don’t feel like cleaning yourself anymore? Then it’s time for BOOK A TIGER! With our fully salaried and qualified cleaning ladies, we guarantee the highest-quality cleaning. Just select a date and a time (Sundays and holidays excluded), enter your postcode and choose a payment method and you can finally be rid of your tiresome housework.

Our cleaning ladies and gentlemen in Dusseldorf

Alexandra V., 35, Bilk

We always work closely with each other at BOOK A TIGER. That way we can continue to improve our service.

Silvio B., 29, Flehe

Who would have thought that I would ever know the difference between acidic and alkaline cleaning products?

Kataryna V., 33, Friedrichstadt

I’m a structured type of person. I clean each apartment strictly according to a system.

Spotless apartments in all of Dusseldorf thanks to BOOK A TIGER

You can book your BOOK A TIGER cleaner for a weekly or bi-weekly cleaning schedule and regularly look forward to a clean home. What’s more, we can offer you even more flexibility. Thanks to our easy-to-use software.

These are your advantages:
On our site, we provide you with a private area that you can access with your personal login. From here, you can manage all your bookings and cancel or reschedule your cleanings up to 48 hours in advance for free. You can also view and download your invoices at any time. Then, once we issue our standard invoices after one of our cleanings, you can write off 20% of the cost on your taxes. We’re the first company in our industry to rely on fully salaried employees. That allows us to guarantee our customers consistently high-quality services. It also enables us to offer you a regular cleaning lady, so you don’t have to brief a new person on your apartment every time. BOOK A TIGER also stands for security. All our cleaners are insured through Ergo Versicherung AG. If an accident should ever happen, of course we’ll compensate you for any damages incurred. By the way: there are no hidden travel costs or suchlike – with us, you only pay for the cleaning service itself.

After a long day at work, the last thing I want to do is pick up a duster. But since I’m away from home a lot, my cleaning requirements vary greatly. BOOT A TIGER provides me with just the flexibility I need, that’s what convinced me.

Still not sure?

Enjoy your shiny office while saving time and effort. Once created, you can pause or cancel your booking at any time. We would be pleased to advice you personally.

Heidi & Karsten

Bilk, Dusseldorf

Long hours at work often give us precious little time to spend with our children as it is. So it’s especially annoying when everyday chores such as cleaning cut into that time even more. That’s why we decided to hire a cleaning lady. BOOK A TIGER allowed us to do so with ease and is also really flexible – which is perfect for us.

Good conditions for excellent quality

Since February 2016, BOOK A TIGER has placed an even higher emphasis on quality. Unlike other service providers, all our cleaning Tigers are fully salaried employees. That leads to a sustainable increase in quality for our cleaning services. Because fully salaried employees are much more motivated due to better conditions. This also allows us to provide better individual support and training for our cleaners.

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We promote a legal and professional cleaning industry

By booking one of our cleaning ladies, you support a fair and legal market. Our cleaners are carefully selected. They speak good English and German and have a spotless criminal record. We ensure their reliability, trustworthiness and thoroughness through personal interviews and a trial cleaning. Furthermore, our staff is continually trained at the Tiger Academy. This includes the introduction of the 4-colour system for example, thus guaranteeing that your home is cleaned according to the latest hygienic standards.

This is how thorough your cleaning is performed

By booking a qualified cleaning Tiger, you save a lot of time and bother. Our strict selection process and our individual support absolutely ensures that your home is in good hands with BOOK A TIGER. Just relax and enjoy your thoroughly cleaned home. Our standard cleaning includes:
  • Wiping floors and surfaces
  • Dusting the shelves
  • Vacuuming the floor
  • Damp-wiping electronic devices
  • Tidying up and making the beds
  • Cleaning the kitchen and bathroom
  • Breaking down the rubbish
  • Airing out the apartment
In addition to all that, you can also book a number of extra services for a clean home with us.
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Where can you find our service in Dusseldorf?

Our file includes professional cleaners in all of Germany, so of course Dusseldorf is no exception. Whether you live in Bilk, Ludenberg, Gerresheim or in Friedrichstadt – our service is available for the entire postcode range (40210 - 40629). Furthermore, we’d be happy to help you with any other problems you may have. For example, if your cleaner is ever unavailable, we’ll make sure to arrange a replacement.

If there should ever be any problems with a booking or if you’re unsatisfied, our competent customer service is available to help every day of the week: 030 308 07403. See the advantages for yourself and book a cleaning lady in Dusseldorf now!.